fall lip case
Four limited edition colors
A silicone, bubble case for your phone that keeps your lip on hand. Our design has a silky, soft touch feel and a puffy back for easy gripping. Compatible with select iPhone models and your favorite Peptide Lip Treatment or Tint.
Just for fall, we created four limited edition Lip Cases to match the core Peptide Lip Tints.
Case: select size + color
- iphone 13 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 13 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 13 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 16 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 16 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
Add-on: lip of choice (optional)
- Peptide Lip Tint - $18.00
espresso - rich brown
toast - rose taupe
ribbon - sheer pink
- Peptide Lip Treatment - $18.00
rhode vanilla
salted caramel
watermelon slice
- The Fall Duos - $42.00
freckle + toast
piggy + ribbon
toasted teddy + espresso
- Peptide Lip Tint - $18.00
espresso - rich brown
toast - rose taupe
ribbon - sheer pink
- Peptide Lip Treatment - $18.00
rhode vanilla
salted caramel
watermelon slice
- The Fall Duos - $42.00
freckle + toast
piggy + ribbon
toasted teddy + espresso
Note: The iPhone 15 Pro Max Lip Case will ship the week of May 27th. All other items in your order will ship in 2-3 business days.
Note: The iPhone 15 Pro Max Lip Case will ship the week of May 27th. All other items in your order will ship in 2-3 business days.
- iphone 13 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 13 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 13 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 14 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 15 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 16 pro - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out
- iphone 16 pro max - $38.00
espresso - sold out
toast - sold out
ribbon - sold out
raspberry jelly - sold out